迅达團體中國區首席履行官施达毓说道:“Safety and Quality are two of our core values, and I think you cannot have one without the other. So it’s part of our culture. We ensure safety and quality through design, through the way we operate and the way we do things. (平安與質量是咱们迅达價值观中不成朋分的首要两点,也是咱们企業文化的一部門。咱们将此融入咱们的設計,运营與运作方法,来确保平安與質量。)”
迅达團體中國區首席履行官施达毓提到:So that was the early part of the crisis. Our focus was on the safety of our employees and being able to deliver service to ou台中外叫茶,r customers, you know some of whom were hospitals, residential buildings, critical infrastructures like metro lines and so on, so that we were to ensure safe and reliable operation of our equ美白牙齒方法推薦,ipment. Then it became also, as the lock down ended, we were working very hard to open the factories again, to be able to supply equipment to our customers.(疫情早期,咱们的事情重点在于庇护咱们員工的人身平安,并為咱们的客户,包含病院,室第楼,首要的基扶植施如地铁等保驾护航,保障咱们的產物可以或许平安、靠得住地运行。封闭竣事後,咱们便起頭尽力复工复產,為咱们的客户供给產物。)
迅达團體中國區首席履行官施达毓暗示:I think we’ve learned some new things during this period, there’ve been some new demands from our customers for our products. We’ve now introduced a number of options for our customers to be able to use elevators without ever having to touch the buttons. (颠末這段時代,客户對付電扶梯產物的利用有了新的需求,咱们也取患了一些新的收成。咱们為客户供给了很多方案,使他们无需触摸按钮便可乘坐電梯。)
迅达團體中國區首席履行官施达毓说道:“Our business is growing again and growing even faster. I think, overall, what we have learned is that we’ve doubled, I say double as an expression, 馬桶刷,our co妹妹itment to the China market. (咱们的营業从新规复增加,而且增加得更快速。颠末這段時候,咱们可以或许更进一步加大對中國市場的投入。)”